Offering of Thanks

As we give offerings
We are believing the Lord for:
Jobs and better jobs
Raises and bonuses
Benefits, sales and commissions
Estates and inheritances
Interests and income
Expenses decrease
Blessing and Increase
We are believing the Lord for:
Heaven opened, Earth invaded
Storehouses unlocked and Miracles created
Dreams and visions, Angelic Visitation
Declaration, Visitations, and Divine Manifestations
Anointing, Gifting and Calls
Positions, and promotions
Provisions and Resources to go to the nations
Souls and more souls from every generation
Saved and set free
Carrying Kingdom revelation!
Thank you, Father, that as I join my value system to yours, you will shower Favor,
Blessings, and increase upon me so I have more than enough
to co-labor with heaven and see Jesus get his full reward.
Thank you, Lord, for joining my value system to yours